Monday, June 8, 2009

If anything can go wrong it will

Hi Everybody,

The technogremlins are hard at work in our house today. Two phone conversations were disconnected, a bathroom light failed to work when turned on, and the camera flash isn't in sync with the shoot button. Then when I tried to harvest the pictures taken today, in spite of being set on "New Images", the computer slurped out dupes of 321 other pix in the cam. What next, I ask you?

However. . .I said I would share a few pix related to the project described in my post below from several days past, and so I will. They are poor quality photos but will give you some idea of what I've been doing this past week. I have been doing it pretty frantically since I volunteered for way too many categories and ended up needing to create 80 little pieces of "candy" to swap. All scrapbookers, cardmakers, and other papercrafters out there will recognise the phenom known as "candy" - fun little handcrafted motifs that can be used as-is in coordinating theme projects.

So take a look. It might be fun to see! All the beach and all the Halloween motif stamps are from october pumpkin (see sidebar for co. online location, plus check out Addicted to Rubber Stamping.

Ooops, the technogremlins are not done with me this day! The add image thingie isn't working now. I'll post this and work on a separate photo transmission. Stay tuned.

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